MinyanCast Accuracy Data & Analysis

How accurate is MinyanCast Weather?

Are we really as accurate as we say? What is our average level of inaccuracy? How often are we wrong? When are we right?

To see real accuracy data on our forecasts, MinyanCast is offering an in-depth comparison of data points to let every viewer know the truth.

91.51% Accuracy

Average Inaccuracy Less than 1.000356 Degrees

MinyanCast Accuracy

Proving The Precision.

MinyanCast vs. AccuWeather and National Weather Service

MinyanCast was 76.8% more accurate than the National Weather Service

MinyanCast was 38.1% more accurate than AccuWeather

MinyanCast was 66.7% more accurate than Weather Channel

July 2021: How Often Was MinyanCast Accurate?

90% of Forecasts

January - November 2021: Average Temperature Inaccuracy

1.055 Degrees